جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
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جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري

منتديات الكويت الثقافيه
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  اليوميةاليومية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  س .و .جس .و .ج  بحـثبحـث  الأعضاءالأعضاء  المجموعاتالمجموعات  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  


 صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
جعفر الخابوري
المراقب العام
المراقب العام
جعفر الخابوري

المساهمات : 172
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/05/2023

صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري    صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 03, 2023 8:37 pm

Palestinian writer Abu Shawish: The revolution of Google employees in solidarity with Palestine is a prelude to various protest activities

Palestinian writer and activist Omar Fares Abu Shawish said that the revolt of Google employees and supporters of the Palestinian cause in the American city of San Francisco in solidarity with Palestine and in protest against the holding of Google’s annual cloud technology conference, which seeks to sign new agreements with the Israeli occupation, is a prelude to various protest activities that will continue in the days. And the coming months.

A number of demonstrators tied themselves with chains and put a sticker on their mouths outside the conference hall in downtown San Francisco to express their protest against holding the conference and suppressing the freedom of Palestinians to express their opinions, support their cause and people, resist, and expose the Zionist occupation.

Abu Shawish confirmed that the march, which toured the main streets of the city and stopped in front of the conference headquarters, was attended by hundreds of Google employees and many associations, organizations and personalities supporting the Palestinian cause. The participants raised banners calling for the end of Google’s contract with the Israeli occupation government, which allows the occupation to obtain... Obtaining information about users of Google and social networking sites, obtaining their personal data, and penetrating both their electronic and personal security.

Abu Shawish stated that Google’s agreements with the Israeli occupation for large sums of money aim to restrict the space of the Palestinian person and violate their privacy. Perhaps the most dangerous of these agreements is the “Nimbus” project, which allows the occupation government to monitor the Palestinians. He pointed out that neither Google nor other major companies have the right to transfer any Information for any government, especially if it is a racist occupation government that robs the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights, demolishes their homes, and commits daily crimes against them in villages, cities, and camps.

Abu Shawish saluted the free voice and human conscience of Google employees who rose to support the Palestinian people, rejecting any dealings with the occupation government, which practices the worst racist practices against the Palestinians.

Abu Shawish explained that approximately 37,000 Americans signed an electronic petition in 2012, and 45,000 Americans signed in 2013 in order for Google, Facebook, and Amazon to end dealing with the Israeli occupation.

Abu Shawish indicated that intensive electronic campaigns will be held in the near future, targeting major companies to stop restricting Palestinian resistance content that works to expose the crimes of the occupation and supports resistance to the occupation.

Abu Shawish revealed that the managements of Google, Amazon, and Meta signed contracts worth a billion and a half dollars to provide cloud technology to the occupation government and restrict Palestinian content that seeks to expose the crimes of the occupation, support the right of the Palestinian people to their land, and support their resistance.

Abu Shawish said, "It is strange and reprehensible that the management of the three companies treats the Palestinian martyr as a terrorist while the Israeli killer is exercising his right to defend himself. This contradicts the principles of the three companies, as the right holder is Palestinian and the right holder is an Israeli racist extremist."
Nabd Al-Shaab weekly newspaper, editor-in-chief, Jaafar Al-Khabouri
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صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
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